Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction
Three words: The Inner Child. Does our inner child really have an impact on our sex and porn addictions? Absolutely. The road to recovery from sex and porn addictions goes through your childhood. Why? Because it is our inner child who is running the show. The inner child is stuck in a time warp when he has excess to our past emotional pain points that still haunt us today. The problem is we are unaware of those pain points but the Kid is not.
The Inner Child Recovery Process is a new and proven therapy method that has been proven successful with many men throughout the world. This unique treatment has changed the lives of many individuals who felt helpless and hopeless due to their addiction. And it can do the same for you.
And it all starts with insight and answering the following questions. Why do I abuse sex? Why does sex have a stronghold on my life? Why do I think, feel, and act the way I do? Those who battle sex and porn addictions and answer these questions become empowered to effectively manage their addiction. And you can do the same.
Endorsed by many leaders in the sex/porn addiction field, the Inner Child Recovery Process is a game-changer and can be the solution you have been seeking when it comes to breaking free from your sex and porn addictions. Created by Dr. Eddie Capparucci, this program identifies 9 inner children who impact addictive behaviors. Ranging from the Bored and Unnoticed Children to the Need for Control and Stress Children, this program focuses on discovering the Core Emotional Triggers that activate these children and cause individuals to act out with problematic sexual behaviors.
If you are struggling with a sex and porn addiction, you owe it to yourself to discover what thousands of others have learned regarding how understanding what triggers their inner child is the key to breaking free of your addiction.
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